Thoughtful Thursday: So I now have a 3 year old...
...when do the tantrums stop please? It's like a switch just flicked off in his brain: "it's showtime!" Like... goodness gracious me. I saw a little bit of tantrums.. but now it's full out.. with facial expressions and the whole shebang. One time I sat him down and said 'Small person, just because you had your birthday does not mean now you choose not to listen" ..if you could see the face he made. Lawd. Chile. It's all a test. I know. He is now deciding 'Lets see how far I can go with mummy" and he looks at his brother and sees how he behaves and wants to copy it.. Send help! But one thing I can say is that... with Matthew in particular, if I speak to him in a very stern voice and he looks at my face and sees I'm serious.. he stops in his tracks. I have to do a completely different strategy for his brother, though. lol I really thought I was going to skip all of this because the first time around it was A LOT. A... LOT! But I guess the ...