
Showing posts from April, 2021

Thoughtful Thursday: So I now have a 3 year old...

...when do the tantrums stop please? It's like a switch just flicked off in his brain: "it's showtime!" Like... goodness gracious me. I saw a little bit of tantrums.. but now it's full out.. with facial expressions and the whole shebang. One time I sat him down and said 'Small person, just because you had your birthday does not mean now you choose not to listen" ..if you could see the face he made. Lawd. Chile. It's all a test. I know. He is now deciding 'Lets see how far  I can go with mummy" and he looks at his brother and sees how he behaves and wants to copy it.. Send help! But one thing I can say is that... with Matthew in particular, if I speak to him in a very stern voice and he looks at my face and sees I'm serious.. he stops in his tracks. I have to do a completely different strategy for his brother, though. lol I really thought I was going to skip all of this because the first time around it was A LOT. A... LOT! But I guess the ...

Transparency Tuesday: Write your prayers down

It popped in my mind when Jeremiah was turning 3... So I would pray the week before his birthday.. and lift up particular requests to God about what I would like to see in the new year that God is allowing him to see. And I plan to do this until both Jeremiah and Matthew get to an age where they can carry it on. Obviously.. I pray for them daily-- but I have particular prayer points when it comes towards their birthdays... and God being so faithful, I see them being answered one by one. Because the world we are living in now... prayers needs to be lifted up for our children. Not to say I wasn't already doing it.. but they need it now more than ever! So many things randomly drop in my mind about my children and I write them down instantly and definitely incorporate them in to my prayers to God in my prayer time. Prayer works. Keep praying, God is listening. x

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy!" "Yes?" "Are you ok?" "I'm fine, and you?" "Fine mummy." "Can you please get me the wipes over there on the table?" "Ok." "Thank you" "You're welcome!"

Thoughtful Thursday: Do you know how much your children actually take in?

I was having a conversation with someone after we observed our kids... They were all basically copying each other; and the conversation went along the lines of, at the age that they are at, we as parents have to be role models and try our best to do the right thing for them to see. Because as much as they are young... and they can talk; and they do pretty much understand to an extent... understanding is always developing; so when they reach a certain age, (Maybe, 9 or 10) we will start to see the replica of all of the things they soaked in when they were younger, right? And the thing that always slips my mind is that our children watch EVERYTHING that we do. Literally.. everything. I'm going to give you guys an example.. At bedtime.. I read to my boys. We've got a little book corner, (it's just a corner of my bedroom where the books are stacked up lol) and after we finish I literally fling the book in the corner. Then a couple of days later.. my 2 year old started flinging ...

Transparency Tuesday: Back to 'Normal'?

So... am I the only one that is actually a just a tad bit bummed that everything is slowly starting to open again? I liked how empty the roads were.. and how empty the buses were and how it was easy to get appointments and such-- waiting times were not so long. Obviously the rate of time to do shopping didn't really change because that is really all we were allowed to leave our houses for lol. I guess because we've been so used to this kind of lifestyle.. it's going to be a little bit weird to go back to the 'norm'.  Because here in the UK.. we have practically been in lockdown for a whole year. We had about 3 lockdowns. lol. It's literally only last week that restaurants/non essential shops (retail etc)/gyms have opened back up.. and hopefully by June, EVERYTHING will be open, possibly no more masks, and I think social distancing will be eased as well.. but it all depends on how much miss corona rates decrease.. and hopefully no more spikes in the amount of peo...

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy look!" "What's wrong?" "Look, teeth, ahhh!" "I don't see anything, does something hurt?" He nods "Mummy!" "Don't put your finger there!" "Ohh….. your tooth is wobbly!"

Thoughtful Thursday: I sometimes wonder what other parents perceive...

At the back of my mind.. when I am out with my kids, I do think 'Oh Lord, what did these people think of me and my children.." Sometimes when we're on the bus I let my eldest have my phone to watch and my youngest, his tablet.. especially if we're on longer bus journeys.. because they get restless after a while and start to do silly things.. There have been moments where it's time to get off the bus... and one of them will fling themselves on the floor because he wants to continue what he was watching on my phone... then some days he calmly gives me the phone and hops off the bus. There are moments where I'm taking him to nursery and he wants to take his favourite toy along... and when he starts to act up and I tell him off, he'll throw it across the bus; one time it almost hit someone in the head... Don't even get me started on the supermarket trips... just recently Matthew thought it would be funny to speed off ahead of me while I was still getting my...

Transparency Tuesday: Raising boys

I was on the bus one day with my boys... and they were both DOING THE MOST. Sometimes I get so frustrated going on public transportation with them.. because they are kids.. they'll get bored.. there's not a lot of time before they get bored looking out of the window and want to now speak to the passenger seated behind us.. A lady started talking to me and was like 'Don't worry, it gets easier as they get older' I replied 'Oh, I hope so' lol Because as of now... it's a real struggle. Of course, this is the time we as parents have to instil the things they need for when they are older.. as well as paving the way for them in particular aspects, (I just have to accept that they will have to experience certain things for themselves..) Currently.. my two boys are at the fighting stage-- physically fighting, biting, scratching UFC type stuff going on. Yep. It's inevitable... they are boys, it will definitely happen-- but man, it can get quite emotional at t...

Short Story Saturday

"Are you ok?" "Tabbie, mummy." "Are. you. ok?" "Mummy... tabbie.." "Good morning" "Good morning Mummy.."

Thoughtful Thursday: What runs in your family?

You see when you're pregnant and you get asked all of those routine questions about being allergic to medications, or any diseases that run in your family etc... do you know what runs in yours? I have no absolute clue what runs in mine. For me personally, I know I have allergies (hayfever) and that's about it. I had a situation with my youngest that is raising alarm bells towards asthma, (I'm waiting to get him reviewed) It most probably isn't asthma, but because he has food allergies, they say that they are prone to eczema, and asthma apparently. He gets wheezy from time to time and gets a cough; but it goes away on its own and is triggered when he gets a cold. But.. I was literally beating myself up after the whole situation... I'm their parent and I have no idea what runs in my family-- because at least if I know, then I can give them a heads up-- you know, sort of like general knowledge and they can run with it and be aware of particular things. I feel as if I...

Transparency Tuesday: We must pave the way..

Have you ever been bowling?  The moment you put your three fingers in that ball.. and throw it down the alley.. all you want is the ball the go straight and get a strike, right? That's how I feel when it comes to being a mother to my boys. I'm the one holding them in my arms; and at some point I need to let go.. and let them journey down the alley of life and pray that they walk down the straight line and hit all of the targets they need to in life in order to be successful. I wish it was this easy.. I wish I could just guide them all the way and protect them from all of the horrible experiences of life.. But.. I wouldn't be a good parent if I don't allow them to experience things for themselves.. that's how they build thick skin and resilience to the storms of life. But.. can't we just shield them from the atrocities of life.... Nah. I know the answer is no. lol. But the most I can do is pave the way for them... spiritually.. praying for them daily.. battling g...

Short Story Saturday

"What's this one?" "Brocklolly" "Broccoli, that's right!" "And do you know what this one is?" "Anana" "Banana, well done!" "Oooh, what's this one then?" "Leemon!" "Lemon, wow well done!"

Thoughtful Thursday: How do you teach a toddler to express themselves?

So... we're on Easter Holidays now, right? For the past two weeks Jeremiah has been having hissy fits at the end of the nursery day. If you've been following my blogs.. I had a moment in time where Jeremiah was having hissy fits when I would drop him off to nursery, lol. But in particular, the reason why he was having the hissy fits is because he has a new key person, (well she's more of an assistant to the key person) but he likes her, and is attached to her to the point where if she leaves his sight, he gets upset... So now when the nursery day is over, he is literally kicking and screaming and throwing things! But funnily enough, he isn't doing it because he's angry.. he's doing it because he doesn't want to leave the school and the teacher. (That's how I see it anyway) So I need to teach Jeremiah how to express himself; because he's not familiar with saying things like "I'll miss you" or "I don't want to leave my teacher...