Thoughtful Thursday: What runs in your family?
You see when you're pregnant and you get asked all of those routine questions about being allergic to medications, or any diseases that run in your family etc... do you know what runs in yours?
I have no absolute clue what runs in mine. For me personally, I know I have allergies (hayfever) and that's about it.
I had a situation with my youngest that is raising alarm bells towards asthma, (I'm waiting to get him reviewed) It most probably isn't asthma, but because he has food allergies, they say that they are prone to eczema, and asthma apparently. He gets wheezy from time to time and gets a cough; but it goes away on its own and is triggered when he gets a cold.
But.. I was literally beating myself up after the whole situation... I'm their parent and I have no idea what runs in my family-- because at least if I know, then I can give them a heads up-- you know, sort of like general knowledge and they can run with it and be aware of particular things.
I feel as if I'm raising them blindly in regards to what they may possibly meet later on in life? You know as parents we have pearls of wisdom to drop to them, or we've got a neverending barrel of knowledge to pass onto them...and I don't have that.
I'm probably being a little dramatic; and it gets me down that I don't have my mother or my father around to ask about these things-- it would have been so helpful and enlightening.
But... I guess I'll find out little by little eventually I guess?
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