Transparency Tuesday: New routine

So.… I've been a bit absent from the blog...

Myself and the boys are now in a new routine. They have now finally started school and getting used to the adjustment is something else.
I haven't needed to wake up at 6 for at least 2 years now looool, so going back to that is a wake up call.

But I'm so proud of the boys.. they have adjusted well. The first day was... a nightmare. Jeremiah was screaming and crying and throwing himself on the floor... and Matthew thought I was coming into school with him, so the moment he realized he was crying and crying... and the school had to call me back to collect him.
The second day... it was a complete 360 and they walked into the school like they've been doing it all their lives.

I felt like the worst mother ever on the first day-- there were other kids having tantrums and meltdowns but I felt like.. it's always my children that have meltdowns.. or this could just be my own paranoia..

Jeremiah is struggling a little bit to settle.. which is to be expected-- when he started nursery it took him nearly a month to settle in. But with this being primary school.. there are even more changes that he has to adjust to: Waking up earlier, having lunch at school (he was only in nursery for 3 hours), staying at school longer, going in at the same time as everyone else in the morning.. it's a lot to take in and to adjust.. but he's done so well.

But overall... we have all pretty much adjusted and I'm happy that my boys are excited to go to school.


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