
Showing posts from November, 2021

Transparency Tuesday: Putting ourselves first

I'm a big fan of Dhar Mann videos and there was a video that I watched a while ago.. and the story was mainly about a mother who completely forgot about herself, put her needs and even her health on the backburner and put everything else first. She had cancer and instead of going to her appointments and getting it treated and dealt with, she put her marriage, her kids and everything else ahead of it-- and it became too late to do anything.  Maybe this story is a little farfetched-- but is not at all far from the truth. Mothers... we can get so caught up with being mothers that we forget that we were a person before we had children. But the pressures of motherhood or being the 'perfect' mother in the eyes of people can overshadow us.. and we end up overwhelming ourselves. or getting extreme burnout because we are trying to do 1,000 thing with just two hands. We have to slowwww down and recalibrate. If we aren't the best versions of ourselves.. how can we be able to raise

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy my nose" "Do you want me to wipe it?" He puts his hand over his nose "Bless you" "Mummy my nose!" She gets up from the chair, putting all of her weight into her right arm to push herself up. Ripping a wipe out of the packet, but realises four are stuck to it, she pulls them apart, stuffs the rest back into the packet. She turns around and watches her child wipe his nose with his hand. "Nooo! Not your hand!" He giggles and starts to play with the slimy green goop on the back of his hand. She wipes the back of his hand, the front and under his nose. "Mummy it was in my hand" He giggles again.

Thoughtful Thursday: We pave the way..

Until our children are old enough... we are our children's advocates for.. absolutely.. EVERYTHING.  This year.. Matthew has been going through this issue with his breathing-- whenever he gets a cold and cough; it starts to affect the way he breathes to the point where he is struggling. He had to go to the hospital and stay overnight-- this was in April. September comes.. it happens again-- another hospital trip; prior to all of this happening, Matthew has a lot of food allergies and I was told that he could be prone to having asthma. I reject this. Fast forward back to September-- they told me to prepare because it can get much worse. I reject this too. I recently spoke to a doctor at my GP because they wanted to do an asthma review on Matthew-- he's 3?  The doctor even said to me that it's too hard to determine at such a young age if it is asthma.. their airwaves are still developing so it wouldn't really be any need to assess him. I was telling the doctor about Matth

Thoughtful Thursday: We are responsible..

Truly... kids do learn from other children, what they see.. what they hear..  But REALLY... our children learn from US first. One thing I realized I was doing is that I used to cut my eye a lot and my boys when I'm telling them off.. and.. low an behold.. Jeremiah would be cutting his eye back at me!  My blood would BOIL whenever I saw that because it's so rude-- but I taught him that? So-- when I realized.. when I'm telling them off now, I just look them dead in their eyes. Once I'm done, I'll say 'Do you understand?' and when I get a reply I'll say 'thank you' and then give them a hug. No walking off and cutting eyes anymore. Oh my goodness.. children pick up literally everything that we do. And this is just it... even certain things that I say.. if they go and repeat it, it's not that they learnt it elsewhere.. it was FROM ME! So really certain behaviours that they adopt is from us, and sometimes we don't even realize it's coming f

Transparency Tuesday: Traumatizing experiences...

So... a couple of weeks ago my two boys went through a very scary experience... they got chased by dogs. Now.  The backstory: we were walking to school-- our normal route, and we were passing by a house with an orange door. It opened, and the minute it opened two big dogs came running out, no leashes, just wild and free. Where was the owner? Had not even stepped out of the door yet. The minute the dogs ran out of the house, my boys ran for dear life, because as much as they like watching dogs on TV and have toy dogs and such.. real live dogs they are absolutely terrified. Jeremiah was so afraid he ran into the road! I screamed for dear life and grabbed him and Matthew-- I then saw the owner running after the dogs, no shoes on and in shorts and scooped up the dogs in his arms. He then spoke to my boys and said that they shouldn't have ran, they're babies.. if they see you run they'll think you're playing etc etc. From that day.. this went on for about a week-- everytime