Thoughtful Thursday: We pave the way..

Until our children are old enough... we are our children's advocates for.. absolutely.. EVERYTHING. 

This year.. Matthew has been going through this issue with his breathing-- whenever he gets a cold and cough; it starts to affect the way he breathes to the point where he is struggling. He had to go to the hospital and stay overnight-- this was in April.

September comes.. it happens again-- another hospital trip; prior to all of this happening, Matthew has a lot of food allergies and I was told that he could be prone to having asthma. I reject this.

Fast forward back to September-- they told me to prepare because it can get much worse. I reject this too.

I recently spoke to a doctor at my GP because they wanted to do an asthma review on Matthew-- he's 3? 
The doctor even said to me that it's too hard to determine at such a young age if it is asthma.. their airwaves are still developing so it wouldn't really be any need to assess him.
I was telling the doctor about Matthew's experiences and everything is improving.. she asked me questions such as does he run around and when he does, is he breathless or coughing.. I mentioned when he was a little younger he used to.. but I haven't seen it happening for quite sometime-- and I gave her elaborate scenarios-- but I emphasized that this breathless thing literally only happens when he gets a cold-- and this year he has been having a lot of colds.
She reassured me that this is a normal thing amongst young children-- so there is no cause of alarm. 

So she told me to just keep an eye on it.. and in the meantime they've prescribed him an inhaler for the times he coughs or gets wheezy...

Jeremiah too.. he has an EHCP in the woodworks for school; just because he needs some additional support to aid him in the classroom-- but Lord almighty why is it DELAYING?
The way I have called and left messages... the quicker that this can be completed the more smooth this learning will be. He actually isn't doing too bad at school-- he is a little behind because he had about 2 weeks of sensory overload meltdowns.. (I will get into that in another blog...) but he is slowly catching up. His school have been amazing though because they were able to get him a part time person to support him in the classroom and that has been such a gamechanger. I am so grateful that they understood me and listened to me about my concerns and they took heed to it. But the EHCP needs to be put in place so they can get more funding.. I will fight for it.

I really do believe God is intentional with our children-- he knows that we can handle it. He knows.

Even when my boys get older.. there will still be battles that I will need to fight for them-- we never stop being mothers even when they reach an older age
But we definitely pave the way for them.. and PRAYER. Prayer is powerful. Our WORDS are powerful.


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