Thoughtful Thursday: I would have never imagined...

Sometimes in my quiet time.. I reflect and I just echo in my mind 'Wow.. I'm a mother."

Don't you have those moments at some point in your life where you just go 'Wow"

You would have never imagined that you would have reached this particular point in your life? Or, you thought you would have never been able to make it out of certain situations?

Let me share a little snippet of myself-- I'm sure you don't mind?

I had a plan.

After university, (I studied Creative Writing for 3 years) I thought I would at least have finished my first book (My last year of university, we had to start a first chapter of a novel), and be in a decent paying job as a side hustle, and everything would be right as rain.

In actuality, after university, I ended up getting a job as an administrator in a school-- I worked there for 9 years-- while I was there, I was struggling to write, lost motivation-- at some point I left writing on the back burner and life took over.
As life took over.. that is when my two kids came into the picture.

My plan DID NOT involve children. Children didn't even reach the forefront of my mind. It's not that I didn't want to have kids, it wasn't really a priority.
After my kids.. then the book that I was supposed to write came into fruition.
And here I am now sharing my story with you.

It's not bad to have a plan-- but sometimes the way life is-- in it's beautiful chaos, it doesn't go the way we have written in down sometimes.
But God.. he knows exactly what is good for us-- and he is truly the scriptwriter of our lives.

Whatever path that you are taking at this moment in time-- trust the process because it is all part of a bigger picture that you will see at the right time.
And then.. you will sit down and go"Ohhh… so THAT'S why I had to go through that!

All part of this thing called life!


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