Transparency Tuesday: I don't know what the hell I'm doing!

I'm sure you read the title with one eyebrow raised...
I'm a mother of 2.. and a lot of the time I really do NOT know what I am doing. I just know that I have to make sure I keep my kids.. ALIVE.
So.. I have to at least make sure they're clean, they're fed, they're happy and that they are developing well..
Right. So I KNOW I need to do these things... but HOW?
Let me be real with you.
When I had my first child, I just took it day by day. And somehow everything came naturally. You begin to bond with your child, you learn their routine, their needs, their scheduling etc and you begin to grasp this mother thing..
But as they continue to grow.. they also change and you have to do everything over and over again.. as they grow older their needs change as well as everything else!
When I had my second child.. it wasn't as hard, but because this is a completely different human being to my first, I have to learn about him and learn his likes, dislikes, his routine, his needs...
A lot of the time I really think I'm doing it all wrong because when I go out with my two boys and I see other parents with their kids playing quietly in their buggies or sitting quietly on the bus next to them-- and there's me with my eldest child having a tantrum in the buggy and the second screaming his lungs out..
And do you know what really grinds my gears? When people see your child having a tantrum, crying etc-- (maybe I'm just assuming) But I feel like that 5 minutes or even 2 seconds they saw it-- in their mind they're like "Oh... well they can't handle their child"
It's not that... children are still learning about their environment and boundaries.. so sometimes it becomes overwhelming (or it could be they're hungry lol)
Either way kids are kids and they will have a moment!
[small rant over]
But the main thing I've learned is to never compare. We are all different and our kids are different too.
As much as they may misbehave or not listen... whatever it maybe, we are their parents and we know them better than anyone else.
This motherhood journey is a learning curve.. EVERYDAY I learn something new about myself and my kids.
Don't beat yourself up parents... you are all doing a great job.
Every child is different but uniquely special. Love this piece