Thoughtful Thursday: It's too much

There has been many times in life where we feel overwhelmed, right?

We feel as if everything is getting on top of us; we feel like our mind is too clouded with a million and one things-- and worst of it all: we start to compare where we are in life to someone else.

I do it all the time. Sometimes I beat my own self up mentally thinking maybe I should of done this, or I should of done that this way; why is it that at this time my kid isn't doing this, have I done something wrong?

If I were to list the amount of things that float around in my head.. I think this blog post would become a book..

But the point I'm trying to make here is-- sometimes.. or maybe most of the time we are really too hard on ourselves, me being the number one person!
The best thing we can do is to try-- trying means that we are at least attempting to make a move for a change; for something better.

When we get to an overwhelmed state-- it might feel like it's too much, but really the reason why we have become overwhelmed is because there is an expectation that we wanted to meet, or we have internally compared ourselves to someone hoping if we do what they did, we may get the same results.


We cause ourselves so much unnecessary stress it's actually crazy-- I'm talking to myself as I write this because sometimes I put my mind into overdrive for no reason.
Everyone is different for a reason and as long as we are making moves for something better... just take your time and go with the flow!


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