Short Story Saturday

"After how long.. I've finally been able to get him off my breast!"

"Oh wow that's great!"

"Yeah.. I felt it was time. Something just shifted inside of me and I was just like.. nah, he needs to come off."

"That was kind of like me, my little girl was nearing 2 as well and I had to get her off."

"It's not like he was even drinking the milk.. he was just putting his mouth on it.. it was coming a kind of comfort/dependence thing"

"It happens. Children like comfort and security. I don't blame him"

"Me neither but I am so happy that he is off. I feel like now he can be more independent"

"Aw. Bless you. Just keep at it-- because now that he's off he has to stay off because your breast milk is now drying up"

"Yeah.. I will miss it though!" She says with a little squeak in her voice

"Oh my sister I miss it too. I know a lady who is still breastfeeding... and her child is 4."

"Oh no.. I can't do that. Nope."

They both laugh.


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