Transparency Tuesday: Tantrum Troubleshooting
So I have a newly turned two year old... and... I really don't want to admit it but I think I'm going through the "Terrible twos" for a second time! *cries*
I was really hoping that this time around it wouldn't happen.. but.. yeah, I was wrong.
But what I can say about it this time is-- it's not so much tantrums.. but more of an adamant 'no' to everything that I say.
With Jeremiah... the tantrums were absolute hell. If I would take away a toy.. a full blown tantrum.. rolling on the floor.. kicking and screaming.. biting.. etc.
If I would tell him no to something.. the same thing would happen again.. it was actually 0 or 60 with Jeremiah.. there was no middle ground at all.
Matthew however.. he throws himself on the floor in moderation. lol.
He would rather tell me 'no' which is still very wrong. So a lot of talking is involved with Matthew.. unless he takes it too far and starts to hit.
I would say both of their terrible twos are very different.. but at the end of the day still very stressful.
I've figured this out with dealing with a million tantrums lol.
He said no at first.. and when I brought it out for him to see, he went with it.
So.. with tantrums.. it's not necessarily the need to shout to get your point across.. I find when you do that.. you get frustrated.. the child is already frustrated and it just doesn't end well...
With these kids we must strategize!
I was really hoping that this time around it wouldn't happen.. but.. yeah, I was wrong.
But what I can say about it this time is-- it's not so much tantrums.. but more of an adamant 'no' to everything that I say.
With Jeremiah... the tantrums were absolute hell. If I would take away a toy.. a full blown tantrum.. rolling on the floor.. kicking and screaming.. biting.. etc.
If I would tell him no to something.. the same thing would happen again.. it was actually 0 or 60 with Jeremiah.. there was no middle ground at all.
Matthew however.. he throws himself on the floor in moderation. lol.
He would rather tell me 'no' which is still very wrong. So a lot of talking is involved with Matthew.. unless he takes it too far and starts to hit.
I would say both of their terrible twos are very different.. but at the end of the day still very stressful.
The MAIN cause of tantrums
- Lack of expressive communication.. and or;
-They want to do what they want to do and you are stopping them within good reason. (They're going to hurt themselves.. etc)
I've figured this out with dealing with a million tantrums lol.
The easiest way to diffuse a tantrum
- Let them ride it out
-Give them a reasonable alternative; for example, Jeremiah asked me for some chocolate biscuits at like 10 in the morning. I told him no, he could have it after his lunch.
He started to get upset and then I gave him an option.. and said "You can have a yoghurt, instead, yeah?"
He said no at first.. and when I brought it out for him to see, he went with it.
So.. with tantrums.. it's not necessarily the need to shout to get your point across.. I find when you do that.. you get frustrated.. the child is already frustrated and it just doesn't end well...
With these kids we must strategize!
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