Transparency Tuesday: Why I cut my hair
I used to have long hair pre babies and post my eldest. I've pretty much had long hair for a good part of my life.. but when I had Matthew.. actually, before I had Matthew-- ok lets say, before and during my pregnancy with Matthew, the thought of cutting my hair just kept ringing in my mind.
I was in a constant battle.. "Should I? Shouldn't I?"and I don't know why I was battling because when I became natural and did my big chop.. I had short hair (Didn't last long.. my hair grew really quickly!) But I guess because this time I was going to KEEP IT short.. not just cut it and grow it out again.
I finally made the decision a couple of months after Matthew was born. Cut it.
Why I cut it mainly was because I was suffering from Post partum hair loss; so much so, my hairline suffered. Whew chile.. I lost a lot of my hairline. So I just said "Ok, lets just cut it off... start fresh"
Not only that.. but I wanted a change as well. I've always had long hair.. and didn't do much with it. I'd always have it in a pineapple puff.. or tied back.. I wouldn't really do anything dramatic or extravagant with my hair.. but at least if I cut it.. it's something different.
I even went a little crazy and dyed it! I LOVED it... I just felt like a whole new person.
I was actually due to get it dyed again.. and then this whole lockdown happened.
ALSO... you still have to maintain short hair.. but it's not as much as long hair.. no more of the twisting/braiding before bed.. I just moisturize and throw a bonnet on my head.
Because to be honest.. 2 boys and long hair.. I would of just neglected it. I WAS neglecting it.
So... all of this contributed to me cutting my hair. I do miss my long hair sometimes.. but I do not regret my decision at all!
Embracing the short hair life for now!
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