Transparency Tuesday: Bad habits

Having children personally has actually made me realize certain things that I've been doing for so long that isn't very good.

What I'm talking about on this occasion is kissing my teeth. It's something I do without even thinking-- I do it when I'm concentrating.. I do it when I'm frustrated.. I do it when I'm bored for goodness sake lol!

Now... the moment I realized '"Oh no" was when my 3 year old did something really naughty.. and I told him off.. I kissed my teeth.. and he copied the sound!

I did a double take and told him 'Don't make that sound!"

But isn't it funny how we're the one with the bad habits.. and we're always doing it.. but we will quickly correct our kids?
We don't want our kids to do the bad habits that we have adopted from childhood or even adulthood... this is why we always need to be checking ourselves because we are our children's first role model. 
They see us everyday, every night-- every second-- so it will be us they will emulate and admire.. they will think ok my mum/dad is doing this so it must be right.

I'm learning everyday... I've got some changes to make!


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