Transparency Tuesday: Stress Incontinence
There's a lot that we find out once we give birth to children.
No one told you about the healing process.
No one told you about that first fire poo you need to pass after you've had a child..
And no one seemed to enlighten us on the fact even way after you have a child you still get moments where you can wee on yourself!
You heard me!
Do you ever get moments where you've just cough that BIT too hard. or you sneeze multiple times and all of a sudden you feel some wee come out of Ms. Gina without any warning.
Yeah.. it's great isn't it? Not.
It's called stress incontinence and believe it or not a lot of women go through it but don't want to talk about it. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's one of the many things that we are left with after child birth. Our pelvic floor has been weakened squeezing those lovely baby heads out... and it will take some time for them to be strengthened again.
When we're in the hospital they do advise us to do pelvic floor exercises.. but they never told us that we would be having accidental wee accidents-- sometimes when we laugh, run, jump, cough-- even blow your nose! It's happened to me many times!
All part of the motherhood life!
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