Thoughtful Thursday: I have shy children..

So I have just recently discovered that BOTH of my boys are shy!
How am I only seeing this now?

But it's a good thing because I was really shy when I was younger as well-- but I really don't think my mother knew how to handle my shyness.. and as a result I became very introverted and bottled up emotions.

So.. knowing this, I'm going to implement a way to handle shyness in my boys; so they do not become introverted and bottle their emotions.
I really want them to be expressive and be able to open up about how they feel about certain things and feel comfortable in doing that. Boys have always been conditioned to not cry, and to be 'a man' and not show their emotions.

But.. right now.. they are only 3 and 2.. how can I work on shyness at such young ages?

This motherhood thing never ceases to amaze me.


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