Thoughtful Thursday: Pray for your babies!

The kind of world we are living in now.. is a really scary place and the only real thing that can keep your family, kids, relatives.. your life is prayer.

I don't want to bash Christianity or any religion down your throat; but God blessed me with these 2 boys and the least I can do is pray to God for them to be protected.
Especially in the kind of world we are in now, where so much is happening and ANYTHING can happen in the blink of an eye; it's comforting to know that the most high is watching over our kids where we can't.

The best thing I can do as a parent is instill faith in my children; for them to know that there is a being that is all knowing and all seeing that is always with them-- and all they literally have to do is pray.

For me personally, I feel I owe this to them because before my mother died, she took us to church and we were going for a good amount of time before she passed. I felt as if this was her job to do-- for us to know God for ourselves-- and it's only right to pass down to my kids.

Even if you don't believe in anything-- say a little prayer for your babies.


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