Thoughtful Thursday: Triggers

I've learnt a lot about myself during this quarantine time and being stuck in the house.

There are certain triggers that cause me to lash out at my kids. I'm only human. But as I've learnt what they are.. it helps me be more in tune with how I react to what my children do. Because trust me.. having children so close in age is a lot of work.. at least if I had maybe.. a 6 year old and 3 year old; I might have a little reprieve because at that age, at least he'd might be able to do a little more for himself and not depend on me as much.

But alas... it's not like that.

My MAIN trigger is lack of sleep. Sometimes I'm up until 2 or 3 in the morning.. (this is the time I catch up on my series' and writing so I do get a bit carried away) and I KNOW at least by 8am my kids are going to be up. So if I decide to go to sleep at 4... I literally have 4 hours to sleep.
Last week I suffered and one day in that week I just decided to go to bed when the kids did and I was so refreshed the morning after.
Of course if you're lacking in sleep... almost everything irritates you, you WILL have a short fuse, and you'll just be tired.

My second trigger is my mood. I guess.. tiredness and mood are kind of intertwined.. but I can be in such a good mood and I'll other hear something, see something or read something and my mood can change. That's it. Then all of a sudden my kids become victims. My son can just knock his cup of water over and I'm lashing out at him.
It's only water. I spill my drinks too. It's a normal thing. But because of the mood I'm in, they become victims.
And afterwards I feel so bad because I know I overreacted.
So.. I apologize and give my boys a hug and kiss.

I've realized when these triggers are on full effect.. it does affect how my kids behave as well. So I always put myself in check-- if that means I need to just step out of the room or head to the toilet for a moment.. so be it.

Those two are the biggest ones- but mama's out there, do you know your triggers? Have you caught yourself lashing out at your children because of how you maybe feeling about something else?


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