Transparency Tuesday: Love

It has taken this 3 month quarantine to realize how much love children need.

Obviously I love my children with all my heart, but we must be reminded that love is an ACTION word.
Children are so perceptive and they gravitate towards the people that actively spend time with them and always approach them.

How many times have you gone down to your child's level and played with them?
When was the last time you just sat with them and had a random conversation?

Children are people too.. they need love, attention, affection.
Sometimes I forget this because I used to get so caught up with everything else; that I didn't take time just to be like 'Ok, this is the kids time' you know?

It's sad that people have children and they barely get to even spend any quality time with them. That's why I made the conscious decision to not go back to work and just focus on raising and spending time with them.

When I had my first child, I got a little taste of the balancing act of work/parenthood and it really wasn't easy. I would finish work at 4, get home at nearly 6-- what time do I even have to spend with my child? All that's left is to get them ready for bed.

And for me.. I didn't really like that.

Yeah... I had weekends but 2 days isn't enough. I want to spend as much time as I can with my babies before they get to an age where they don't want to spend as much time with me anymore..

I'd get moments where my two boys would just come and give me a kiss on the cheek.. and I'm like what did I do? (I can't ask them this because they're only 2 and 3 lol)
But it just means I'm doing something right.


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