Thoughtful Thursday: Every child is different

Matthew, my 2 year old-- recently had his 2-21/2 year review. Thank God I remembered-- this whole coronavirus has thrown everything off-- but imagine I had to do it over the phone!

But I ended up going to the GP to get him weighed.. so I ended up doing it again at the GP anyway lol.

He did really well-- just some minor things to work on in regards to his fine motor skills and his personal/social skills.

Fine motor in regards to drawing in a straight line with a pen; and personal social in regards to like taking off his coat.. referring to himself as 'me'.. so very small things. The health visitor that conducted the review was really reassuring because some of the stuff Matthew was doing she was surprised

But I felt a little guilty because I've been heavily focused on his eating, and him gaining weight due to his allergies that I feel I may have neglected small things that I should have been practicing with him.
Because honestly it was a real struggle in the beginning.. but by the grace of God he is progressing really well.

But it's not too late. There's still a lot of time and as long as you are consistent with what you're doing with your kids; they will most definitely learn.

But the thing with these reviews is that it's just to see where your child is at-- it may not be that he can't do something-- it may just be he's not at that level yet-- every child is different! 


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