Thoughtful Thursday: I'm that mother.. I compare my children
I do.
and it's not a great thing to do.
I watch a lot of family vloggers on youtube.. and this particular vlog was where she was teaching her 4 year old how to read.
I felt so happy like that was my own child.. and then it dawned on me that my child is going to be 4 soon and he has yet to speak in complete sentences...
Immense mama guilt came upon me and as I kept watching the vlog.. I was beating myself up internally.
But again... every child has a different level they reach. My child isn't at that child's level that I was watching and that's ok. He will get to that level!
But.. I don't know if it's because I think I'm not doing enough that I compare? But I think my worst quality is that I never think I'm doing enough...
Parents out there... do you find yourself doing the same?
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