Transparency Tuesday: Teachable moments

Motherhood comes with its fair share of teachable moments..

Even though I have toddlers and not teenagers-- almost every day I learn about myself and more about my kids.

The main thing I keep learning is that kids really do push their buttons with you.. but that's because they are also learning. They are learning boundaries. They're learning about emotions. They're learning.. everything!

Tantrums are not something kids do because the wanna piss us off.. they do it because they have yet to express their emotions in words. It's all part of the development process. And not even just that they can't express.. maybe they can express but they still have to understand emotions and when to use them.

Sometimes I really do reflect and wonder what does actually go on in the mind of a child? They're not completely developed so certain things they see or experience how are they able to comprehend what is happening? Do they get overwhelmed? Overloaded? Is that why they sometimes burst into tears and we have no absolute clue why?

The automatic thing I used to do when my children have tantrums is to get upset at them-- but this is completely the wrong reaction. We need to be calm and either try and figure out what's wrong.. or let them ride out the tantrum (I've had to do this in public many times)

Whew chile!


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