Transparency Tuesday: Trust

My youngest, Matthew has now taken an interest in jumping off of... everything. Chairs, stairs, tables, beds..

But this one thing that he does I find it so interesting. Whenever he is making his way down the stairs and he sees that I've put out my arms (not to catch him, but to carry him down the rest of the stairs) he takes the initiative to leap in my arms, and I of course, catch him.

And it just makes me think.. so this child isn't scared that I'm going to drop him? Or that I'm not going to catch him and he'll fall down? 

The answer is nope. Because even when he makes the leap he's smiling away waiting for me to catch him.

And it just continues to remind me that children are so pure and so innocent... and it's sad that we live in a world where that can easily be taken way because of how twisted and corrupt the world is becoming unfortunately.

But.. in the meantime I'm going to enjoy the innocence and pray to God that he continues to guide me on raising my boys the way HE wants me to.



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