Thoughtful Thursday: I'm not the perfect mom

I yell.
I scream.
I get frustrated, irritated, angry..

All of the above.

What actually is the picture of a 'perfect' mom? I make mistakes. Sometimes I'll already be yelling at my boys, not realizing they're actually trying to help me-- and then I have to apologize.

There are days where I find myself so irritated where I don't want to even be in the same room as my kids because I sound like a broken record-- and they're not listening.
One thing I have learned and I am implementing is to remain calm when there is a power struggle.

A power struggle is pretty much where you and the child clash: So you tell your child to do something, they say no, and emotions set in. Because they aren't doing as you have told them, we start to get angry, and they start to get riled up and... as you know frustration sets in.

But honestly.. a lot of the time I just feel like I'm doing it all wrong.. but when my boys come and hug me and give me a kiss.. that is enough reassurance that maybe I'm the perfect mum for them.


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