Transparency Tuesday: Eczema

I never encountered eczema full on until I had my second baby, Matthew.

It's such a stressful skin condition and it's a condition that doesn't go away. The flare ups may calm down.. but it can appear at anytime if any of the triggers pop up.

Triggers include:
Soap (Detergent, especially fragranced)
Weather conditions (Too hot or too cold.. either way..)
Fabrics (Synthetic fabrics irritate eczema prone skin)
Fragrances (sprays, perfumes etc)

I fully got booked onto an Eczema Education workshop at the hospital because of Matthew-- and it basically outlined everything eczema related; from the textbook definition of it, to the fact that having allergies, hay fever and the like can cause eczema etc.
To literally how to apply creams, moisturizers and emollients...
To the point where sometimes there is actually no cause to why you get flare ups!

My goodness me-- it's a doozy, but it was very informative. 

The eczema flare ups with Matthew were a lot when he was younger.. he was itchy a lot-- he suffered a lot last summer because of the heat; and he mainly had rashes come up on his cheeks. Really inflamed looking and red..
I felt so bad and I felt so useless as a mum not knowing what to do sometimes.

I personally don't like using the creams that they prescribe because I feel it make it worse... so I used shea butter on my boys skin and Aveeno daily moisturizer.

This worked for my boy; and I had to also make sure he doesn't wear too many layers when it's too hot.

At one point I broke down and cried because in the beginning when I didn't know he had a milk and egg allergy, (he's got a shopping list of allergies.. but that is for another blog) he just kept flaring up and I just didn't know why.

Do your children or do you have eczema? What's your regime?


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