Transparency Tuesday: Show and tell

There's one thing that being a mother has taught me: We have to be clear and concise when dealing with our kids, whether it's during the time of punishment, play or learning.

Being an adult I've noticed it is so much more complicated because we tend not to be as straightforward; especially when we're not ready to tell the truth.

But being around kids, you literally have to say it like it is or they will not understand. "Do not do that, you can hurt yourself" I could of left it at "Do not do that!" But they will continue as they are.

And that's where I believe their innocence comes from; they're still learning and developing, so in order to gain full understanding of something we must tell them in all its entirety. Obviously.. not in very descriptive detail but enough for them to get the main idea of what we are trying to tell them.

On watching my boys play with each other, the way they communicate to each other is exactly the same. If they don't want it-- they say 'No'; but as an adult we'll say 'Maybe..' or 'Not right now' but kids.. it's either yes or no and I find that so interesting lol.

Just as much as we tell them things, we must equally show them. I see it everyday.. kids really do copy everything we do, or whatever they see.

It's such an interesting thing to notice how kids learn and develop.


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