Thoughtful Thursday: I can't let my babies down

I never thought I'd get to the point where Jeremiah would be happy to leave me and go to a place where I'm not there.
I am so happy and I thank God for it so so much.

We've only been back at nursery for 2 weeks (one week he was off because of a cold/cough) and every time I go to collect him and wait for him to be dismissed he has this look of anticipation on his face; then he'll put his arms in between the gaps of the school gate, wave and go 'Mummy!!'

My heart melts every time.

You know in the films where the children are at their basketball game, or dance recital, or some kind of event that they want to see their parents there and the screen pans to look for the parents in the crowd, and then will cut to the look on the child's face...

I'm being so dramatic but I'm sure you know where I'm going with this..

I can't let my boys down. 

Today when I saw that look on his face; I said within my spirit "I will always be here for you my boy"
Because honestly.. I only had my mother in my life and she couldn't always be there but she did try. 

But for me, I am making it my duty to be as supportive and present as I can in my both of my boys' lives.
At the end of the day our kids look up to us more than we realize!


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