Thoughtful Thursday: MY SON IS 4!

Thank you Jesus that you have allowed my son to see 4 years old. May he see many many more and may he become who you have destined him to be.


Dear Jeremiah,

It's mommy again-- I wrote a letter to you when you turned 1... and here we are again at 4 years old.
I am so proud of you my son.
You have surprised me... and I thank God how much progress you have made in your speech and language journey. 
I know and believe there are greater things to come and I know deep within my heart that you are going to be a great person and you are going to great things for your generation.
As your mom, I am making it my primary duty to be there for you always... the hard times and the fun times and for you to know mom will always be here to talk and to listen!

I love you so much my son.. I know you're going to be a great big brother and you are going to do great in life-- you will prosper, you will excel and you will be successful.

Love, mommy


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