Thoughtful Thursday: You have to give it to them..

As my oldest Jeremiah has started back at nursery-- I had to give him a big hug. 

These kids do so well. They go to school/nursery everyday, then come home listen to us tell them what to do, (with resistance sometimes), then we rush them to bed, bath, brush their teeth etc and then they do it all again the next day.

Bless the children.

They actually do a lot in their little bodies.. which is why sometimes they end up having tantrums or meltdowns because they're tired! They've exhausted their little bodies throughout the day and all they need is a hug, kiss or cuddle from mummy or daddy just to let them know that they still have love.

Sometimes I feel for Jeremiah after he's finished nursery and he falls asleep on the bus ride home. When it's time for us to get off I need to wake him up for two reasons: He can't sleep at that time or else he will struggle to sleep at his actual bed time causing him to be tired the next day, and I can't carry him while he's asleep because I'm also pushing the buggy with his little brother inside!

Sometimes I do overlook how much they actually do... do!
So what I do now is when he has had a good day at nursery, and his keyworker has told me all the new things he's doing I will give him something he doesn't normally have... and I do believe it is working because I haven't had a 'Oh he hasn't had a good day today..' comment yet. 

Even if he does.. it can happen, and there is always room for improvement.

But still.. we have to give it to our kids.. they're little superheroes too.


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