Transparency Tuesday: Responsibilities

It's not too early to assign responsibilities to your children is it...

..because I do it. lol.

Nothing too 'hard'. When my boys finish eating, their responsibility is to clean up after themselves... so that involves putting the plates and cups in the sink and stacking their chairs away.

If they make a mess-- like a water spillage (which happens often lol) they wipe it up! I used to do it, but I noticed that the boys can actually clean up.. there was a time I spilled something accidentally and one of them came with the roll of paper towel and wiped it up!

I was so surprised. So I decided then and there.

I'm starting to teach them how to put their clothes away-- it's a process but we will get there.

Washing dishes is going to be the next one, because my 3 year old knows how to put away the cutlery.

I feel as a mama of boys, they must learn all of these things-- it's important to start early so they have it embedded in them for life!


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