Transparency Tuesday: The beautiful sound of children chatter

I don't know about youuuuu! But I love hearing my kids talk to each other-- and for me personally it is a testimony, especially when it comes to Jeremiah and his entire speech journey.

The other day the two boys were bickering over breakfast-- it was little one worded, worded things but it was just cute to witness and showed me that God has been truly faithful.

I know for a lot of us when we hear our kids talking and talking it can be a little trying.. but for me I love it. If you know how I was at the beginning of Jeremiah's speech journey... I was all over the place.. questioning myself.. questioning my child.. wondering about his future... if they were going to diagnose him with some disability or  disorder.. if he had to go to a special school.. 

And all of these thoughts were running through my mind because I saw nothing actually wrong.. developmentally he was meeting milestones... he was growing normally.. doing things that other kids do.. it was literally just the speech.
And what they fail to say is that children really do develop at their own rate.. there are kids who are talking before they're 1... there's child who don't talk fully until nearly the age of 5.. but they quickly make you think that if your child is not talking by this age.. something is wrong.

And don't get me wrong.. there are children that may need extra support but you'd see other characteristics that would accompany it.

But I am so happy at how far he has come... I can't wait for more.


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