Transparency Tuesday: Perspective

I was waiting to drop Jeremiah off to nursery one day... and this parent that drops her daughter off at the same time; who just always greets me with a 'Hello, how are you' decided to strike up a small conversation with me.

She asked me where do I live, because she was telling me how she's not driving and some other details. I told her where I live and she looked at me in shock and said 'Why did you decide to put your child here?'

I explained to her how Jeremiah has a speech delay; and the nursery he's at currently, (well it was the children's centre that's attached to it) really supported him during his speech and language sessions (when we were allowed to go outside -_-) and he got very acquainted with all the surroundings so I just thought it would be the best place for him-- and it is because he's getting an immense amount of support and he's progressed a lot with his speech.

Then she asked me... how old he is, I told her, and this is the one liner that killed me:

"Is that all? Stop worrying, my daughter only started to talk not long ago" Her daughter is 3.

Now... when she said that.. I was like 'Wait, what?"
Not to her child's age.. but to her non chalant answer..
If she knew how I've had to speak to paediatricians and speech and language therapists.. for her to just say 'Stop worrying'? LOL

And it actually made me laugh.. it's not that I'm worried.. but my son starts primary next year and he's only catching up now.

But I believe in God and I know he can do things in the blink of an eye.
But man... I literally was laughing. lol.


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