Thoughtful Thursday: Are parents judged?

I had an experience on the bus that really made me think about how people perceive parents, or adults with children (whether if it's their niece, nephew, etc)

I was on the bus with the boys, taking Jeremiah to nursery. Jeremiah had Matthew's toy dog, while Matthew was sitting in the buggy holding a small toy car. At some point, Matthew started banging he toy care on the bus pole. I told him a good couple of times to stop doing what he's doing... took it at one point and warned him not to do it.
He goes 'Ok'

He proceeds to bang again. At this point.. I was just like 'Forget it'

I was sending emails from my phone to some schools (primary school stuff) where a man in probably his 50's, turns around and goes 'Control your child!'

I paused, and stared at him for about a minute. 

I said 'Excuse me, we're getting off soon, thanks'
Ironically, he gets off a stop before me, at this point Matthew has stopped banging the car, and he reiterates 'Just control your child, ok?' and gets off the bus.


Firstly.. who are you? And what makes you think you have ANY right to make such a comment?

Secondly. So... the 20 minutes that you've been on the bus, seen my child bang the car on the pole, immediately you have concluded that I can't control my kids?

Honestly.. my blood was boiling because people are so quick to judge you as a parent in that short time that they see you on the bus.. and your child is acting up or misbehaving.. and that concludes that we don't know how to control our kids?

Have you been in my house? Do you see my kids everyday?


Why do people feel that they have some kind of right to voice out their opinion on what they don't even know?

And a lot of the time I find that people who are quick to talk like that... DON'T EVEN HAVE CHILDREN!

*deep breath*

But it's ok.. Imagine I almost allowed his nonsensical comment to ruin my day.. and to almost question my ability as a parent.
But a lot of the time people don't take it into consideration that children will find ways to entertain themselves; even us as adults, we take our headphones to listen to music or find something to make the bus journey pass by.

And the most important thing to remember.. YOURE ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT. You are gonna meet so many people, so many children on that bus journey, deal with it-- it's not your house.

'Control your child' My friend, control your mouth.
I had to rant to a mommy friend of mine because it was really grinding my gears. It's so important to have some mommy friends to vent to, because they will most definitely understand and give you loads of reassurance.

Honestly, the way people feel like they are entitled to give their opinion to a complete stranger.

Has something like this happened to you parents?


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