Transparency Tuesday: Mom-shaming

I recently caught up on Red table talk, (love that show) and the episode was about 'mom shaming'

Mom shaming is pretty much when people feel the need to be negative about your parenting choices.

But truthfully we've all done it at some point... but it's also been done to us.

But why?

Is there a particular way that kids should be raised? Do we feel threatened when we see a child that is possibly around the same age as our children, but are way ahead of the game?

Where does the seed of mom shaming begin? 

And mom shaming isn't only from strangers... it comes from close family and friends too--- and these ones burn the most.
But I guess one thing we need to keep in mind is that it is coming from a place of love..

My guess is why mom shaming seems to be more prominent is because.. of the generations before us. How I was raised is definitely not how I'm raising my kids, and that is because my mother was from a different time to where I was from.

I'm literally thinking out loud on why mom shaming happens; it's understandable that everyone has their opinion, but why project so much negativity on how someone decides how to raise their kids?

Either way... as a mother we know what's best for our children.


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