Transparency Tuesday: Parents have tantrums too....

I had a "mama tantrum" a little while ago with my kids.

I just was not having a good week-- so I took out my frustrations on my kids.. yelling.. all of it.

And after I had my tantrum.. I sat quietly for a while and was like 'This is exactly what my kids do.. but more amplified" They may not know how to comprehend the feeling they're feeling... sometimes they can say exactly what they're feeling but it's just not what they feel like or they don't want to do something...

I understood.

So now when I deal with tantrums, I'm a bit more observant. If the tantrum is because of a certain emotion, I just wait it out and when they've calmed down.. I give them a cuddle or hug.

If it's something that hasn't gone their way or because they don't want to do something.. if I speak to them and they're still.. in tantrum-- I don't shout-- I wait. And if they still don't want to do as I've asked; they have to stand by themselves until they calm down and then I will speak again.

Tantrums aren't bad... 

It's the way the child gets out their emotions if they don't know how to express it yet. OR it's their way of just expressing their dislike or disagreement towards something..

Either way.. all should be handled in love. Sometimes it's hard because you don't like to see your child yelling and screaming and throwing things.. but you can't beat fire with fire!


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