Thoughtful Thursday: Kids and attention

So I was just scrolling on Instagram-- looking at all the mama insta posts; and a lot of mama's are working from home with their kids...

And the time we're in is so hard, because of the pandemic, some parents don't want to take their kids to nursery; some of the parents have kids who are in primary school, so they have to be at home; virtual learning/homeschooling… it's all just a lot.

How do you now have to balance work/mummy time/spending time with the kids/being a wife/ and all of the other hats that we have to wear as women?

Primarily, when it comes to the kids-- how can you fit in time; like designated time for them when there is so much to do in the day? How do you get that balance in? Because as much as you are at home, you're working, or you're cleaning, or you're doing something where your attention is deviated. Our kids always want to do something with us, or tell us something-- how do you fit in that attention time?

It was just a thought-- it must be such a difficult thing to try and do at this time; I'm a stay at home mum, and even I struggle to balance the attention with both of my boys-- but I make it work at some point.

I salute all the mother's out there that are working and holding it down!!! 


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