Thoughtful Thursday: The meaning behind the name

When did you decide to name your child? and why did you pick that name for your child?

With my first, his name dropped in my mind one day and I just clicked with it instantly. I just loved it. I don't even know where it came from; maybe I saw it somewhere and it just kind of stayed at the back of my mind.. whatever the reason, the name dropped when it did and that was it lol.

So Jeremiah means "Yahweh will raise" or "God will raise" and this name is a perfect fit for my son. From when he was conceived and was in my womb.. God was always with him, honestly. My entire pregnancy with Jeremiah was so funny.. unless I told people, no one knew I was pregnant! Well.. until literally the very very end of my pregnancy, and it was really entertaining. I felt like God was hiding my pregnancy for a reason; I didn't experience any symptoms, no vomiting... just tired all the time-- I got the odd craving here and there but it was a pretty smooth pregnancy until the end.. where I had some complications with blood pressure.. I had to be checked into hospital a week before he was due to be monitored... and it as a whole lot, but God was with Jeremiah and myself and he came out at the right time and here is today, 4 years old.

For my second; he was a complete surprise, but I had picked out another name for a boy in case I did have another. Matthew. Matthew simply means "Gift from God" and he certainly is a gift. I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 3 months in. lol. Again.. no pregnancy symptoms.. and my periods were still not regular as before so I couldn't really track; it was just one day I felt a bit weird so I took a test and surprise!

Names are SO important-- and I believe the name of person kind of shapes their identity, so as parents we definitely need to take much care when picking names for our kids-- it's what will represent them for life!


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