Thoughtful Thursday: It's ok...

It's ok if your child doesn't finish their dinner.

It's ok if you give them a snack and they give it right back to you.. with a stern 'no'

It's ok if your child has a tantrum (as daunting as it may be!)

It's ok if you child has a strop

It's ok if your child isn't in the mood

It's ok if your children are fighting each other (as much as we don't like it. I sure don't lol)

It's ok if your children want to have a spinning contest

It's ok if your living room looks a mess

It's ok if your have piles or laundry and leave it until tomorrow.

It's ok if there are dirty dishes in the sink

It's ok if your child has a meltdown

It's ok if your children jump in muddy puddles


We put tooooo much pressure on ourselves as parents to have 'perfect' children; and trying to be the 'perfect' parent. As long as our children are healthy, fed and happy-- we are doing the best thing for them! We compare ourselves (I know I do) to other parents that we see that have the 'well behaved' children, but we only see a snippet of that! We don't know what goes on behind closed doors. 
Children are also little humans! They will have not so good days... they will have days when they are moody... and that is ok! If we're allowed to have a moan, so can they.

All we need to do as parents is support them in every way.. and understand them. Because this parenting journey is not one day! It is a continuous learning journey of humbling and lessons.


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