Transparency Tuesday: Living with a toddler with extreme food allergies youngest, Matthew has food allergies.

I didn't notice until he was about 3 months old-- when it came to breastfeeding, I could breastfeed thankfully by the grace of God, but it was never enough to JUST breastfeed.. so around 3 or 4 months I would combo feed with formula. That worked fine with Jeremiah, my 4 year old, but matthew, immediately after he would have the milk, he would vomit. I didn't understand what was happening.

There was a time he broke out in a rash as well as vomit, and one of my close friends pointed out he may have a milk allergy. So I quickly went to see my health visitor to get him referred to the allergy service. I made note of the symptoms and the fact that he wasn't gaining weight as well.

He had a skin prick test.. and low and behold milk and egg were the biggest factors of his allergy. He has an allergy test annually, so the following year we also had a blood test, and some other allergens popped up that he is allergic to... so currently Matthew is allergic to: Soya, Oat, Coconut, milk, egg, legumes and nuts (specifically almonds and hazelnuts but have been advised to stay away from all nuts)

He was prescribed hypoallergenic milk... didn't go down well at all. 
So what did I do? 

I had to start Matthew on Koko-- Koko is an African maize porridge; and he ate that throughout his months coming up until 1- as well as mixing with other things to get him started on solids.

It's a difficult journey because Matthew is allergic to the alternatives that the hospital advise, which is just great! So what he eats currently is very repetitive.. he literally has rice, spaghetti and a mixture of home foods and that's it. 
If we eat out.. he can only eat chips and chicken...

Thankfully his eating has improved and his weight gain has been progressing; which is all good news. 
But what about his nutrition? He has to take supplements... especially in regards to his calcium. He can't have milk so how else can he get his calcium intake?

I never knew allergies can be so severe.. there was a time my friend was eating peanut butter.. and just the SMELL of it made Matthew retch. 
I try to limit what comes into the house that he is allergic to.. but his brother has no food allergies so far, so when he eats things like yoghurt, I have to make sure he washes his hands.. and Matthew being so curious he wants to put his hands in it.. I just have to distract him.

Sometimes I feel so bad because Matthew will see his brother eating ice cream and want some.. but I have to tell him he can't eat it for now.

Matthew's got Epi-pens but I pray to God I will never have to use it on him.. and I'm just praying that he will grow out of it.. because I've been speaking to certain mums and even the specialists at the allergy unit say that kids normally grow out of it.

I hope so! I don't want Matthew to have to go through this allergic to food life.. especially with SO many allergies.

Only time will tell.


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