Transparency Tuesday: Living my best life
I was saying to myself the other day that-- I've never really done anything for me.. as in, doing what I want to do.. doing what I like.. just doing stuff for ME. Does that make sense? I always put myself last, and always think of others; and as I have kids; it's like I've continued to push myself on the back burner.
That needs to stop.
"You can't pour from an empty cup", always comes to my mind when I think about this.
How am I supposed to take care of my kids.. or help other people when I'm drained.. out of sync... overwhelmed.. everything under the sun?
I can't be the greatest mum I can be when I'm burned out..
I can't be a good friend if I'm burned out..
I can't function if I'm burned out...
Rest. Recharge. Repeat. It is not selfish!
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