Transparency Tuesday: When life happens

Today is the day in the UK where officially indoor seating is finally back! We can actually sit INSIDE of a café or a restaurant and not worry about our menus and bits of food flying with the wind. FINALLY.

But that's not what this is about. I just felt the need to acknowledge that.

When life happens.. what do you do?
Things start to become overwhelming..

Things start to pile up on each other...

So now I'm preparing for my boys to start primary school and nursery in September.. and the anxiety is real. I'm anxious mainly because of Matthew... and his food allergies.
I didn't want to be that parent with the kid with a bucket list of food allergies. I've worked in a school before and the minute you mention food allergies to the admin; you get an exhale and a sly eye roll, (well, I think it was where I was working.. I dunno) But it's a headache to the teachers and the kitchen staff. 
But... my son's case is out of this world-- so it's looking like he's going to have packed lunch. That comes with its own thing... Matthew's diet is very limited already and I'm racking my brain on other things he can try before he officially starts nursery.

I think because this is my first time experiencing the whole primary school preparations.. I'm just kind of being hard on myself, but mann I just want everything to go smoothly and that they both settle in fine.

Jeremiah had a paediatric assessment review recently and I've just been really in my head about that; I will go into a more detailed blog about that soon.

As mothers we juggle so much.. and things can get on top of each other-- and that's ok! Because at the end of it.. WE GET IT DONE!


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