Transparency Tuesday: Overwhelmed
No matter how organized you have to be... do you still manage to feel overwhelmed?
The past week and a half has been so hectic for me... I've had to go up and down every single day to appointments, school open days, virtual and phone calls... chile!
I think because literally everything has been back to back since last week--- I'm just like *breathe*
Sometimes I get a bit of anxiety because I feel like I won't be able to make the appointments, or something might go wrong, or I might not get good news. Yeah.. need to stop that-- anything you programme into your mind is what will manifest. this is why we need to speak and think positive.
And I guess sometimes I kind of want to beat the stereotype, (is it even a stereotype?) that parents are always late to things? Because honestly, before Jeremiah started nursery, I took the two of them to a lot of Matthew's hospital appointments (He's currently got a dietician, and his allergy appointments were at the hospital before covid) and I really don't know how I managed to do it.
This is what comes with motherhood.. but we're only human.. sometimes our battery runs out and we're running on empty. That's how I've felt for the past couple of days. But the greatest thing about being a mother is that we have a strength that cannot be compared.. we wake up every day and do the damn thing!
Proud of us. We do A LOT.
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