Transparency Tuesday: Why does this keep happening?
I don't know if this happens to you...
But AT LEAST once a week, a random stranger on the bus or even when I'm walking with the boys, will strike up a conversation with me. It's not bad, I guess I have welcoming energy, or a welcoming demeanour, but it's so funny to me.
On this particular occasion, I was on the bus with the boys, they were sitting watching stuff on their tablets, and a lady that was sitting next to me just went "How old are your boys?"
And the conversation went on from there..
The most common question I get is 'Do you not want a girl?'
No. No I do not. Are you gonna take care of her for me? Because I'm set with my two boys.
Why does that question always need to be asked? Do you know what we mothers go through? Having kids is not just giving birth, it's a whole J O B!
But yeah she went on to ask how is it to raise boys so close in age... and then she asked a question which I found interesting..
She asked how do I feel raising boys in the time we are in. sis. Lets be real. You know my boys are black, pretty obvious (this was a white lady I was talking to.. lovely lady, I think she didn't want to say anything wrong lol)
I was honest. Very worried.
But all we can do as parents is keep them in the know and make sure we make them aware of what relates to them.
But... honestly guys. At least once a week. Just the other day a lady showed me a picture of her son because my son reminded her of him.
Is that weird? Do you get people talking to you out of nowhere? lol
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