Thoughtful Thursday: "I can't do it!"
"I can't do it!" Matthew yelped as he struggled to put on his shorts.
So Matthew has been potty training for a good couple of months now-- and he's doing pretty good. He's got the hang of when he needs to go to the potty, can tell me he needs to poo/wee etc.
But now his struggle is to dress himself. Can I even say struggle? He can partially dress/undress himself, it's just a bit more practice.
Matthew does this thing now where whenever he goes to the potty he will strip. Well.. partially lol. So he will take off his pants and shorts or whatever he's wearing and then when it's time to put it back on he's asking for help.
The first couple of times I helped him.. but then I went to myself, '"Wait a minute! This is a teachable moment.. this is where he can learn how to dress himself up"
The first maybe 10 times... he had tantrums because he's used to me helping him.. so the change from "Mummy help!" and me going "ok" to "Try and put it on by yourself" was a shock to the system..
But low and behold... he can do it now. Sometimes he does get it wrong.. but overall the effort to do it is there and there is no power struggles in that anymore.
The last thing I would want is for my child not know how to do something for themselves... so the earlier you can start, the better.
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