Transparency Tuesday: I felt guilty

So it's been just over a week since my birthday.. I honestly am still overwhelmed by all of the love I received and just the overall vibes.. it was absolutely amazing.

But something happened on the second day I went out, (I went out on two different days to dinner..! lol)
I left the boys with someone to babysit them; they are very familiar with this person, so I knew everything would be fine. But as I was making my way out-- the boys just had a complete meltdown.

It was so strange because I went out the night before and they were fine.

I felt guilty and a little bit responsible for their meltdown, not because I'm going out and leaving them, but because I don't do that often, they are seriously not used to that. If I had made it a regular occurrence that at least a couple of times in the month or a once a week, I leave them with someone or I just leave them with their dad and go-- they would have already been used to it and not had such a dramatic moment.

But it's a process-- I have to find a balance, and they should all be fine!


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