Transparency Tuesday: "So... are you gonna have a girl then?"
I know I have blogged about this before..
But it still grinds my gears!
Why if you have 1 child.. or 2 children that are boys.. or 2 children that are girls.. the first question to come from a strangers mouth is; "Aren't you gonna give him/her a sibling?" or "You have 2 boys.. you want to try for a girl?"
Why is that the first question that pops into the mind of people please?
1 child is hard enough.. 2 is a lot of work and I can't imagine how it feels to have anymore than 2!
I was taking Matthew to an appointment; I had both boys-- and there was a lady who just had a baby girl.
She was like 'Oh.. 2 boys. I don't want another one" LOL.
And I felt everything she said. Boys are a lot of work...
Yet people are pronouncing pregnancy on us by force.
Please, if you're going to be my live in nanny... then maybe I'll consider it. (I'm done...)
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