Thoughtful Thursday: "I don't know"

Whenever myself and the boys are watching things on TV, both of the boys will jump on me and go 'Mummy what happened?" 
Which I believe is a great developmental move, because before they never asked that-- they just watched the TV and sometimes would point to things they are familiar with, but to now want to understand what is actually going on and distinguish emotions too-- I'm really pleased with the two of them. I purposely do something with them for them to work their brain a little...

When they ask me 'Mummy what happened?" I'll go "I don't know, you tell me what happened."

And they would both attempt to tell me something. I'm so pleased especially with Jeremiah because now he's able to tell me what is actually happening, or at least attempt if he really doesn't know. And I'm so proud of him because he has made leaps and bounds with his speech-- his understanding has always been there, but it's as if now he is seeking out for even more understanding and clarity and I think that's great.

This might not mean anything to certain parents, but I don't know if it's because Jeremiah speech was a bit late, but I really pay attention to any new developments, if he starts to ask questions, or if he can recognize something that he didn't before-- because it means he is progressing. Along with my modelling.. which is very repetitive to the point sometimes I don't even want to talk... it is all helping.

Jeremiah doesn't like being put on the spot so this thing I do about asking him what happens occurs in such a natural scenario.. I haven't just stopped him and asked "Ok Jeremiah, tell me what happened' He would not tell me. lol.
But just as we're home.. and he'll ask what happened, I'll give him my reply and he'll try. And I love that he TRIES now. The trying and the effort is showing me that he is growing and he is becoming more interested in talking and it's such a lovely thing to see.
It's also inadvertently teaching him the art of conversation.. all which will benefit as he grows and gets older. Always a plus!


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