Transparency Tuesday: Embracing me again

So I had a few days last week where I was able to go out.. by myself. I got to meet an old friend, I just got to be myself.. and do things.. for myself.. by myself.

Motherhood is so demanding -- and we are only humans, we also need to time to recharge and go in harder and be the best that we can be for our children.
No doubt I missed them so much when I was out-- but it was really good for me. And good for them too. My boys have to get used to me not always being around. One thing I don't want is for them to totally depend on me-- that would be the worst thing I could ever do.

Just those hours just being me-- no children hanging off my leg, shouting "Mummy I'm hungry" "Mummy Mummy mummy" a million times was a breath of fresh air for me!

I did at some point feel guilty because I went out 2 days last week. I know.. it's only 2 days but I was saying to myself 'Oh no.. is this too much, are they going to forget about me"

I know. Silly right?
But I feel doing this more often will make me a better mother; we as mothers do get burned out.. we do breakdown.. and it is vital to have that recharge.

I literally can breathe in.. and exhale.


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