Transparency Tuesday: Moments of reassurance

Last week I was doing a lot of errands in preparation for the kids start in September. So I've been ordering uniforms and looking for school shoes and getting all the bits and bobs together.

One of my uniform orders was missing an item so I decided to go to the shop to pick it up.
I had the boys with me-- and my boys are the most inquisitive children you could ever meet.. they just want to know everything "Mum what's that' "Mum what's this one" "Mum look!" 
Honestly.. I think every child is like

They were just making rounds in the shop and a lady with her daughter comes in and the boys rush past her and I immediately say 'Sorry!" and she says, "Don't worry about it, I've got kids, I completely understand' and the way my heart just sank-- in a good way, and in my head I'm saying 'Thank goodness, she's not judging me"

Because honestly.. we are judged a lot as parents. If our children are knees up on the seat of the bus or playing loudly with their toys and I'm on my phone-- I'm not a good parent.
If my child is having a tantrum.. I can't handle my child.

So when I experience moments like this-- it is an immense reassurance that I am doing something right, and they just GET IT!
I get days where I sound like a broken record on the bus telling my boys to sit down every two seconds.. and in the corner of my eye I see someone staring at us.

From time to time it really does play on my mind, but I have to say to myself at the end of the day, I am their mother, and when we go out, those people that stare or mumble under their breath, or change their seats on the bus because the children are being too loud are only seeing us for that moment. That moment does not define me as a parent, or how my children are.


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