Thoughtful Thursday: "The way you speak to your child becomes their inner voice"

I have been seeing this all around whenever I scroll social media and it's really made me re-evaluate myself as a parent.
I can literally imagine my boys, maybe they've had a bad day or they're feeling really down about something and all they can hear echoing in their mind is me shouting at them for something that they did? Nah.. that's not going to help them at all is it?

So I've put it into practice already.. how I speak to them, and how I deal with them in more difficult situations (melt downs, tantrums.. talking back etc)
The key here really is to remember that they are little humans who are growing and developing everyday---and one thing I tend to forget is they can also have not so good days and moody days.. they are allowed. If we can have it, why can't they? But I guess because they're small and they have no worries.. we instantly dismiss it and go 'You have nothing to be upset about!" But.. they do. lol.
And all of that is also part of their development.. so it's normal.

I want my boys to have a reassuring voice that they hear when they are experiences their hardships.. or when they're not having such a good day, We have so much responsibility to uphold as parents... and everyday I realize how important even how we ask questions or how we even comport ourselves generally has such an impact on how they understand things and how they also behave..

Whew... this motherhood journey is not for the faint hearted. lol.


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