Thoughtful Thursday: Will he be seen as different?

I'm really getting anxious at the boys starting primary school and nursery.

Especially with Jeremiah. We're currently composing an EHCP (Educational health care plan), so he can get extra support with his learning. Due to his speech delay-- it has caused him to be a little bit behind compared to the other children his age. So the EHCP will be a good support tool to aid him in his learning.

Jeremiah also has a different perspective when playing with other children-- because he is only now learning how to initiate play with other kids (he didn't play with other kids at all.. he would play next to them) it's still quite new and unrefined. 
Sometime last week I took Jerry and Matthew to the park to play-- he saw a girl and I assume it was her little brother running around and playing. Excitedly, Jeremiah started to run along after them, going where they were going, climbing on the things they were climbing with a huge smile on his face.

Then the girl goes to Jeremiah, "Why are you following us?" and I had to interject and say to her 'He wants to play with you.' and she went "Oh, but he didn't say anything.."
My heart immediately sank.. and my mind fast forwarded to school.. and how he will be with the other kids.. are they not going to play with him? Are they going to see him as 'the boy that just follows everyone?"
Jeremiah has made a lot of progression with his speech.. but there is still a way to go; especially in interacting with other people. He can interact with me, and his brother and the close people around us, but he needs to learn and understand how to gel with children of his age group.

But I believe in God and God does everything in his time; and I have so much faith that the school he is about to attend, he will shoot to another level and continue going up. Sometimes I sit down and think so much about what else I could have done. But all I've done is my best-- the only way Jeremiah can learn how to interact with a different range of people is to be more exposed to it-- and what better place than school?


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