Transparency Tuesday: A mother's heart

I truly understand what my mother had to go through to raise me..

Now that I'm a mother.. and I have children of my own.. the amount of sacrifice that a mother has to go through is immense.
There is so much that we do as mothers that aren't seen.. the prayers we whisper in our quiet time-- sometimes tears are rolling down our faces because all we want is our children not to go through what we went through, or to not struggle-- we just want the absolute best for them.

I know I stressed my mother out.. I never wanted to leave her side, I always wanted to be around her, to the point if someone had to come and babysit me, I would forcefully vomit because I wanted my mother so bad.
This is a mother's heart.

We love our children so much-- and it radiates throughout to the point it may appear as if your child is 'clingy' or too 'attached' or sometimes children are even called 'spoiled'. 


The heart we are have for our children... it's a special heart and a special love that only mothers carry. Fathers have their own too-- but I can only speak for the mothers! lol
The amount of love we carry.. and the amount of selflessness we hold for our children it's amazing.. and do you know what's crazy? You don't see this until you become a mother-- or at least for me. There are things within me that I didn't know I had until I gave birth.

There's so much strength that I didn't know I had until I had my first child.. and then when I had my second.. it's as if that strength doubled.
I'm not talking about muscular strength... I have the worst upper body strength ever.. I'm talking about inner strength-- crying is not a form of weakness- lets get that cleared up too!
The endurance and resilience.. especially if we're literally running on 0 energy.. but we have to keep GOING.
We really don't realize.. but we do so much.. 

My mother isn't alive anymore.. but I thank God for her everyday-- and the same your children will do with you-- they don't see what we do.. but as they get older they realize.



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